Tito Babatunde


Pittsburgh, PA

Hello! I’m a PhD candidate in the Mechanical Engineering department at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), working with Rebecca E. Taylor in the Microsystems and Mechanobiology Lab (MMBL) and Jonathan Cagan in the Integrated Design Innovation Group (IDIG) on applying generative design strategies (i.e. shape grammars and simulated annealing) to automate and optimize the design of DNA origami nanostuctures. I graduated from Texas Tech University where I received my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and minor in Computer Science and Mathematics. I am a Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow (2021). My research interests revolve around: structural and mechanical biology, and machine learning modeling. I am specifically interested in leveraging machine learning and simulation models to make predictions about the structural and mechanical behavior of biological complexes.


latest posts

Aug 9, 2023 plant photos
Aug 9, 2023 climbing videos
Aug 9, 2023 silks 2 videos

selected publications


  1. asme-jmd-2023.jpg
    An Improved Shape Annealing Algorithm for the Generation of Coated DNA Origami Nanostructures
    Bolutito Babatunde, Jonathan Cagan, and Rebecca Taylor
    Journal of Mechanical Design, Dec 2023